Join Us!

Membership Benefits
All members of the Coalition:
- Receive access to resources and best practices through social media, informal gatherings and an annual conference.
Receive regular updates related to advocacy and closer connections to CDFI industry peers.
Become part of the economic justice movement!
Have our voices amplified with policy makers, funders and influential stakeholders.
Have voting privileges, can serve on the Board, and actively shape the CDFI agenda in New York.
Associate Members also:
- Stand with the nation’s oldest and largest State-wide CDFI Collaborative.
Have close access to New York State’s dedicated community development finance practitioners.
How to Become a Member
Pay your annual dues online with the link below or complete our application and send to:
NYS CDFI Coalition – Membership
PO Box 3727
Albany, NY 12203
Please make checks payable to NYS CDFI Coalition and write ‘Membership’ on the memo line.
Annual Membership Dues
Certified CDFIs – $500/year
For-Profit Associate Members – (Funders, Researchers and Supporters) – $1,500/year
Board Members – $1,500/year
Emerging non-certified CDFIs – $250/year
Non-Profit Associate Members – (Advocates, Community Organizations, Universities) – $750
To pay with a credit card, debit card or PayPal, click the "Buy Now" button.